Monday, June 11, 2007

Achdus - Unity with the Residents of Israel Sderot

Arutz 7 has provided us with a way to literally feel what its like for this besieged town in Southern Israel:

Click to hear a "Color Red" alert, followed 15 ultra-tense seconds later by the shriek of a rocket and an explosion. The recording, made by a Sderot resident and sent to Arutz-7, begins with loudspeakers announcing Tzeva Adom [Color Red]. The resident said he aims to give the public a sense of what he, his family and his neighbors have been made to suffer often several times a day over the past weeks.

How can you help?

Arutz-7 Emergency Sderot Fundraising Campaign by Arutz Sheva Staff

Readers and listeners have been asking for ways to contribute to the suffering community of Sderot. Arutz Sheva is responding with a weeklong Sderot Emergency Solidarity Campaign.

Pledge Your Support in Our Week-Long Online Emergency Campaign

  • Click to Pledge Your Support now on for Sderot residents, who have been suffering from endless Kassam rocket attacks.

  • Proceeds go to the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva's Hand-in-Hand Assistance Project contributing daily to improving the lives of the embattled residents and children


yitz said...

All the comments about helping sderot usually revolve around helping monetarily.. something focused mostly on american jews or those in chutz la'aretz..

what about jews here in Israel, who have full time jobs (b"h) and families.. what can they do out of solidarity with sderot.. something that has real meaning and isn't just to ease their own guilt--especially in the case of lack of guilt.. something that will actually help?

TZ said...

The best we can all do, and its free is Daven and pray for their safety