The Breslov Shul of RBS A is happy to announce that it is hosting a Shabbaton this Shabbes, Parshas, with many different Breslov Rabbanim,authors, personalities, leaders and guests attending. The community is invited and welcome to attend any or all of the tefilos,shiurim, and Seuda Shlishis.
All activities will be taking place in LevHaTorah, Nachal Luz corner of Nachal Refaim (Under Pnei Shmuel).There is a schedule of events below as well as a brief decription of some ofthe attending Rabbanim.We look forward to seeing you all there.
May we all have a meaningful Shabbes Chazon.Breslov Shabbaton Parshas Devarim – Shabbes Chazon - at Lev HaTorah
Friday Night 7:10 : Mincha (at candle lighting time)
7:40: Breslov Kabbalas Shabbes led by Rav Efraim Kenig
Divrei Torah by Rav Nachman Burshtein
Shabbes Morning:
7:30 AM Shiur: Rav Ozer Bergman in English, - The Power of Personal Prayerin coming close to HaShem.
8:00 Shacharis Kiddusha Raba Sipurei Maasios Shiur given in Hebrew by Rav Nachman BursteinShiur for women simultaneously by Mrs. Shoshie Nissenbaum in Hebrew /English
4:30 Avos U Banim
5:00 Shiur for Women by Mrs. Shoshie Nissenbaum – Shabbes Chazon as a preparation for Tisha B’Av (This shiur will be this week’s regular weekly ladies Shabbes Shiur)
5:30 Shiur for men by Rav Nasan Maimon - (English) Shabbos Chazon – The meaning behind it
5:30 Shiur for men- Rav Nachman Burshtein (Hebrew) Selected Teachings of Rebbe Nachman z”l
6:30 Mincha
7:00 Seuda Shlishis
7:30 Divrei Torah - Rav Chaim Kramer (English) - Finding the hope throughthe mourning
7:30 Divrei Torah -Rav Efraim Kenig (Hebrew) – Rebbe Nachman on the 3 weeks, as a prelude to Geula
7:30 Shiur for Women- Mrs.Shoshi Nissenbaum The special role of Women in Chasidut Breslov
8:30 Maariv Motzai Shabbes Rav Nachman Burstein: The eldest son of Rav Moshe Burstein,
Rav Nachman is awalking encyclopedia on Rebbe Nachman, his teachings, and on Breslov history. His expertise on traditional Breslov melodies is unparalelled, andhe led the Rosh HaShana tefillos at the Breslov gathering in Meron (pre-Uman) for over two decades.
Rav Efraim Kenig: Son of Rav Gedalya Kenig, Rav Efraim is one of the leaders of the Breslov community in Tzfas, as well as one of the heads of NachalNovea institutions in Tzfas. Rav Efraim is also the Baal Musaf in Uman forthe main minyan at the Breslov Rosh HaShana gathering.Rav
Chaim Kramer: A student of Breslov Chasidus for over 40 years and ason-in-law of Rav Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld Z"l, Rav Kramer is the director ofthe Breslov Research Institute, which has been translating and disseminating Rebbe Nachman's works for over 25 years. He has authored many original workson Breslov teachings, including "Crossing the Narrow Bridge", "Through Fireand Water (Biography on Reb Noson of Breslov)", "Moshiach", "Anatomy of theSoul", and more.
Rav Nasan Maimon: Director of the Breslov World Center and a son-in-law of Rav Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld, Rav Maimon has been teaching classes in Breslovfor several decades. He currently teleconferences a weekly shiur in Likutei Halachos to students of Breslov Chasidus around the globe.
Rav Ozer Bergman: A writer, editor, teacher and educator, Rav Bergman is a member of the Breslov Research Insititute Staff. He has worked on the translation into English of many volumes of Likutei MoHaRan, and hasrecently authored a work on Hisbodedus (Private Personal Prayer) titled:"Where Earth and Heaven Kiss".
Rav Meir Alkavetz: 18th Generation direct descendant of Rav Shlomo AlkavetzZ"l,author of the Lecha Dodi prayer, Rav Meir gives many weekly shiurim inBreslov in Hebrew and English.
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