Friday, April 25, 2008

Shevii Shel Pesach A Segula for Emuna and Emunas Tzadikim

The Tzion of R' Mendele Rimanover

A Ba'al Nefesh one who wishes to master his soul, should concentrate all his efforts not to fall and tie himself even a little.

Therefore he should tie and bind himself to a great tree [i.e. a Tzadik] the mountain of Hashem.

This small knot is true faith emuna shleima.

I heard from one of my master's students who said in the name of his Rebbe the Rebbe Elimelech author of Noam Elimelech that there is an auspicous time of segula for this, which is the night of Shevii the 7th of Pesach.

One should strengthen himself and bind his mind and thoughts to the holy tzadikim which is a tried and true segula.

On this day it says in Shemos 14:31 "They believed in Hashem and Moshe his servant."

Their emunah was fulfilled through their connection to Moshe.
(Menachem Zion from Rav Menach Mendel of Rymanov)

Candles and Kvittelach at the Tzion of R' Mendele Rimanover

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