Friday, March 8, 2013

Segula for Rosh Chodesh Nissan

Three Stories that are a Segulah for Parnassah for Pesach

1.) A certain Jew was selling brandy before Pesach, to provide
for the upcoming holiday expenses. He went from country to
country, but at one border, the guards seized his barrel, since he
lacked the proper licenses. The Jew quickly traveled to the Rebbe
Reb Meilech and poured out his heart. The Rebbe Reb Meilech
told him to tell the guards to taste the contents of the barrel; it
was only water. The Jew did as the Rebbe had told him. They
were surprised to find that the Jew was telling the truth! They returned
the barrel to him, but then he went back to the Rebbe,
crying: "Now how can I provide for my family for the holiday?
The barrel of brandy was my only way of earning a livelihood and
now it's full of water!" The Rebbe Reb Meilech told him to taste
the contents of the barrel. To his delight, it was full of brandy
once again!
2.) A king lost his ring. He proclaimed that he would pay a
handsome salary to everyone who searched for it. There was a
poor Jew who had no money for Pesach. His wife advised him to
take up the king's offer. So he joined in the search, and with the
money he earned, he bought all the necessities for Pesach. This
Jew was also a generous fellow; he invited many guests for the
seder that year.
Among the king's advisors was a wicked anti-Semite. On the
seder night he went to the Jew's home and peeked in through the
window. When he saw the Jew eating and drinking and not
searching for the king's ring, he saw his chance. He quickly went
back to the palace. "Your Majesty," he said. "You've been fooled.
I'll show you!" The king followed his advisor to the house of the
poor Jew,and peered in the window. There was the Jew at a table
full of guests, eating and drinking like a king! Still, the king was
loath to think ill of his Jewish subject. He told the advisor, "This
Jew is probably interrogating these men to see if they know the
ring's whereabouts."
This Jew's custom was that at "Dayenu," he would recite each
verse and all the guests would respond, "Dayenu." It so happened
that the advisor's name was none other than Dayenu. Just then,
they all answered in chorus "Dayenu!" The king's advisor paled.
The king understood this to mean that his
trusted advisor had in fact stolen the ring.
He commanded his royal guards to seize
the advisor and jail him, and he confessed
to the crime.
3.) There was a certain Jew who
worked hard for his landlord, the poritz.
One day, the poritz said, "It's lucky for
you that I support you. Otherwise, you
would starve!" In his simple faith, the Jew
answered, "What are you saying? There's
a G-d in Heaven and He provides for all
His creatures. If the poritz won't serve as
G-d's agent, G-d will find me another."
The poritz angrily banished the Jew from
his property.
This occurred right before Pesach.
This poor Jew now had no money to buy
the necessary provisions.
The poritz had a huge treasury where
he kept all his gold. He would go in from
time to time to count and polish his coins.
He would spit on each coin and then polish
it till it shone. The poritz' pet monkey
would go with the poritz into the treasury
and watch him. He saw his master
put the coins close to his mouth; he
thought that the poritz was eating the
coins! Monkey see, monkey do. The
monkey copied his master. It stole alone
into the treasury and feasted on the gold
coins. The monkey ate so many coins that
it died.
When the poritz came into his treasury
and saw the dead monkey, he didn't
realize the cause of its death. His anger
had not abated, and he commanded his
servant to throw the monkey into the
Jew's house, to teach him a lesson. "If I
don't provide for him, no one will!" The
servant threw the monkey in through the
window. When it landed, its stomach
burst and all the gold coins came pouring
out. Then the Jew was able to buy an
abundance of provisions for Pesach.
On the seder night, the poritz sent his
servant to see how the Jew was suffering
without food. But the servant reported
that the Jew's house was full of food and
drink. The poritz later sent for the Jew
and asked him from where he'd had
money. The Jew told the poritz how
someone had thrown a dead monkey
into his house and that hundreds of gold
coins had burst from it. The poritz then
admitted, "Now I truly see that it's
Hashem Who provides for us all."


Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim Publishing
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022 / eFax: 1-832-213-3135
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