Friday, July 31, 2009

Kedushas Levi Shabbos Nachamu

Kedushas Levi Shabbos Nachamu

"Nachamu Nachamu Ami - Be Consoled, be consoled My nation, says your G-d."
(Yishaya 40:1)
At the time that Hashem will comfort us, may it occur speedily in our days,
then he will remind us of all the difficult times and all the tragedies
which we experienced, in order that we will be doubly comforted. This is the
meaning of "your G-d Elokaychem," the name that alludes to the attribute of
strict justice and judgment. (I believe that the Kedushas Levi is saying
that since Hashem will remind us of all the tragedies and suffering this
name of judgment is used, however that in itself will comfort us twice as
much since those calamities have passed.)

Another interpretation of "Nachamu Nachamu Ami - Be Consoled, be consoled"
That which Hashem is the One Who comforts us, is in itself a great comfort
and consolation. This can be understood through a parable. For example, one
cannot compare he who hears the words of love, comfort and consolation from
the minister until he finally receives the actual favor from him. However
hearing this from the king's mouth, "His will is like a storm cloud,"
(Mishlei 16:15)1 and the king's word alone is like a good deed that has been
carried out already, and hearing words of solace and comfort from him are a
delight for the soul.

Or we can say that this is a double consolation since any of the reasons
behind this, although they may not seem at first glance to be connected with
us, they are all for our sake. "This is G-d is our G-d He shall guide and
lead us etc." (Tehillim 48:15). The name "Elokim - G-d," alludes to the fact
that He is the cause of all causes, "Elokaynu - our G-d," indicates that all
those causes are all done for us personally as our sages taught in Sanhedrin
(37a) "A person is obligated to say that the world was created for me," and
this is why our verse (in Yeshaya) says "says your G-d."

Another interpretation of "Nachamu Nachamu Ami - Be Consoled, be consoled My
nation, says your G-d."
Now "This is a display of His might since as the gentile nations dance in
His palace chambers and subjugate Bnei Yisrael His children, Hashem
overcomes His anger so to speak and He has patience for the wicked." (Yoma
69b) and we suffer calamities and remember the words of the Shechina "My
head is heavy and a my arm is heavy!" (Sanhedrin 46a)2 Speech is in exile,
due to Hashem's great patience, since everything occurs due to G-d's word,
and G-d willing "says your G-d." This refers to the the Fifteenth day of the
month of Av - Tu B'Av the day on which those who died in the Midbar - desert
ceased dying. (Ta'anis 30b)3 Since Midbar - Desert and Dibbur - Speech share
the same root we can say this symbolizes a death of speech. Speech was
spiritually lowered and it fell into a lower level and was removed. So then,
on Tu B'Av this ceased and speech was no longer in a state of death and this
was our consolation. (That G-d said I am your G-d.)

"Nachamu Nachamu Ami - Be Consoled, be consoled My nation, says your G-d."
When Yisrael are fulfilling the Divine will He is called "our G-d," since by
doing so they are actively demonstrating that He is our G-d. This is the
meaning of the verse Tehillim 67:7) "May He bless us, G-d our G-d." The
meaning is that the Creator "will bless us," and will be called "our G-d,"
and this is what the prophet said "Nachamu, Nachamu - Be comforted Be
comforted." How shall we be comforted? The verse answers: He will say "[I
am] your G-d."

"Speak to the heart of Yerushalayim, since her sins have been desired."
(Yishaya 40:2)
Generally speaking we know that the body will delight greatly in the future
at the festive meal of the Leviathan - Livyasan (Bava Basra 75a). However
the heart only delights in spiritual matters, for example by being told glad
tidings such as how sins have been forgiven and how many commandments have
been fulfilled.
This is the meaning of our verse "since her sins have been desired," as our
sages taught in Yoma (86b) "Great is repentance since [by repenting] one
transforms intentional sins into merits." This is the meaning of "since her
sins have been desired," sin is transformed into positive desire, or a

On Shabbos Nachamu we read the Ten Commandments:
On Shavous we also read the Ten Commandments, because on Shavous Hakadosh
Baruch Hu gave the Torah to Bnei Yisroel. Similarly regarding the time when
Moshiach shall arrive it says "A new Torah shall come from Me" (Yishaya
51:4; Vayikra Rabba 13:3) therefore we also read the Ten Commandments on
Shabbos Nachamu (which alludes to our consolation and comfort with the
coming of Moshiach may it be speedily in my days).

1.Rashi explains there that whoever is pleasant, his will is good like the
storm cloud which brings the rains.
Mishna 6:5 Rav Meir says when a person suffers what does the Shechina say?
So to speak "my head is heavy, my arm is heavy!" The commentators explain
that when a person is tired they limbs are in pain and feel heavy,
metaphorically if we could compare the Shechina to this state she would be
saying this.
2.The generation of the desert cried on the ninth day of the month of Av
because of the spies slanderous report against Israel. G-d decreed that they
would die and never see the land and that only Kalev and Yehoshua would
merit to enter the land of Israel since they contradicted the false report
of the spies. The generation therefore died while wandering in the desert
and they stopped dying on Tu B'Av. See the Talmud Taanis 30b and Rashi's

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
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