Friday, August 20, 2010

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The Latest Discussion is:
What are you favorite Chassidish Sefer (Seforim) and why? What speaks
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Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022 / eFax: 1-832-213-3135
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

letter of approbation and endorsement from the Pitsburgher Rebbe Shlita of Ashdod

I just recieved this beautiful letter of approbation and endorsement from the Pitsburgher Rebbe Shlita of Ashdod for the new MeOros Kedushas Levi
Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022 / eFax: 1-832-213-3135
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Chodesh Elul insights

From the upcoming Yalkut Noam Elimelech on Moadim

The Power of Elul –

In the name of Rav Itzikil of Pshevorsk: Once during one if the days of the month of Elul the Rebbe Elimelech entered his Beis Midrash and approached one of the yungeleit, the youn men who sat and learned there and said to him: "Chodesh Elul – It is the month of Elul!" His knees began to shake and quiver in fear, his teeth began to chatter in sheer fright and he broke out in a sweat. Eventually he fainted and fell to the floor. All this happened simply from the Rebbe's pure statement that the month of Elul had arrived! (Shivchei Rebbe Elimelech Chap 3 p26)

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022 / eFax: 1-832-213-3135
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chodesh Elul insights

The Divrei Chaim of Tzanz said that on Chodesh Elul even a small worm crawling beneath a rock on the seabed shudders and shakes from awe and fright!
From the upcoming Yalkut Noam Elimelech on Moadim

Opening the Gates of Repentance –

Rebbe Elimelech the author of the Noam Elimelech taught that Elul can be read as a compound work which means Alef – Lul. Alef refers to Hashem the Alufo shel olam – Master of the World. Lul means a coop or enclosure like a chicken coop. Elul therefore is a time when the Alef – Alufo shel Olam that is the Master of the World opens the Lul or enclosure for those who knock on its door begging Hashem to open wide the gates of repentance. Whoever attaches himself to that Alef – Alufo shel Olam that is the Master of the World, with rapture and dveykus merits that the gates of repentance hinted at in Elul are opened before him. (Yismach Yisroel Alexander Re'eh 40:1)

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022 / eFax: 1-832-213-3135
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Chodesh Elul - Noam Elimelech

From the upcoming Yalkut Noam Elimelech on Moadim

Animal Intelligence –

On the first of Elul is the Rosh HaShana for the animal tithe. Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Shimon say it is on the first of Tishrei. (Rosh HaShanah 2a)

Our master and teacher the righteous Tzadik Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk explained this Gemarra according to the manner of Remez using hints. The Zohar teaches us that the letter yud hints at the tithe (which is a tenth) which hints at the attribute of fear of Heaven. (See Zohar Parshas Naso 122b) The first opinion in the Mishnah is that whoever acts all year long like a fool and only wakes up on the first of Elul to repent and fear Hashem is acting like an animal that has no intelligence. This is the meaning of "On the first Elul is the RoshHaShana for the animal tithe, only a person who has animal intelligence wakes up so late to start repenting, since a person with human intellect should fear Hashem all year long. However the second opinion held by both R. Elazar and R. Shimon is that even someone who wakes up in Elul is still one of human intelligence, however someone who only waits till the first of Tishrei to wake up on Rosh HaShanah when the entire world is being judged, then he has only animal intelligence since we would need at least thirty days in advance to prepare! The words of the wise find favor. (Avodas Yisroel Parshas Re'eh sv Aser)

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022 / eFax: 1-832-213-3135
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fire from the Simple Jews

"Even though fire comes down from heaven, nonetheless it is a mitzvah to bring [and light] a fire from a Hedyot – a simpleton." (Yoma 21b)

Our sages taught that a miracle occurred when the sacrificial offerings where brought on the altar,a fire would alight and come down from the heavens and consume the offerings! Nonetheless the sages taught that it was still a mitzvah for a person, called by our sages the Hedyot to light the fire. What is a Hedyot? Although it can and usually does mean a non Kohen, Chassidus understands this passage in Yoma in a remarkable way: An even greater miracle occurs when we being fire and light from a simpleton than from heaven!

An ancient understanding of chemistry teaches that the potential for fire and flame is hidden deep within each flammable object. So that when candles and oil burst into flame, it is this property of combustible material that is awakened and the latent potential for fire is revealed from deep within the recesses of that object which was previously hidden from the naked eye.

In a spiritual parallel: Hidden deep within each one of us is a potential spiritual fire and flame within our souls. We need only to ignite a spark to set that combustible material aflame! And if you think that only the truly great tzadik has such a rich reserve of oil you are wrong. Even though fire comes down from heaven, from a heavenly high and holy place, there is a great mitzvah to bring fire from the simpleton! From the pashuteh yid, from the simplest of Jews the fires and flames of holiness and sanctity can be seen in this world. Deep within the recesses of his inner being is a greater inner light, the more simple and pashut such a Jew is the greater the revelation and the greater the wonder of the light revealed!

This is the miracle of a Chassidic tale, for it reveals to us what Chassidus came to reveal to the world, that hidden deep within each of us is that potential for fire and light, the simpler the Jew the greater heights he has the potential to rise to and the greater is his uplifting. The Chassidic tale uplifts us and reveals to us these hidden flames.

This concept was taught by Rav Zisha of Hanipoli when he explained that the reason Eliyahu HaNavi visits every Bris and that a chair is prepared in his honor is that he comes to bring tidings of great joy! To reveal to each and every one of us that we have the potential just as he did to arise alive heavenward in a fiery chariot revealed by the light and flame within our souls!

From a collection of Chassidic tales by Y. Fishel Schneerson


Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022 / eFax: 1-832-213-3135
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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chassidish Activism

HaYom Yom from Chabad Lubavitch for today 21 Menachem Av

Activism on behalf of the ways of Chassidus means that even when a chassid is in the marketplace, deeply involved in his business, he still thinks about what he can do for chassidic concerns and the welfare of chassidim. When he encounters a business acquaintance among the market people he should seek to persuade him to attend the shi'urim (public study sessions) in Chassidus, or to attend a farbrengen.

Activism on behalf of the ways of Chassidus is a personal obligation, regardless whether one is great or limited in knowledge of Chassidus.

Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the sixth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of righteous memory.
I wanted to add the personal question we must each ask ourselves every day, what have I done to spread Chassidus and the derech HaBaal Shem Tov today?
Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022 / eFax: 1-832-213-3135
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