Tuesday, September 16, 2014

SIMCHA Happiness and Joy

It is with great pleasure and joy that I announce my latest Sefer - The Joy of a Jew a book all about simcha
please enjoy the Introduction,
The good new: the manuscript is done and it was just sent to the editor last week.
The bad news: so far I still need sponsors/dedications to get it edited/typeset/designed & printed.

Intro To Simcha – Who does not want to be happy? Don’t we all wish to be happy? Society around us searches for happiness, that elusive promise of bliss, joy and good feelings. Yet many of us are unhappy, it seems like there are more and more cases of depression each year and more and more people walking around unhappy, depressed and even heaven forbid suicidal, sick of life, without hope living dark bleak lives.
Why are so many people unhappy? Wealthy, healthy, successful people; people with families, people with homes, cars, yachts, mansions, beautiful people, people with careers, people with top positions within their social spheres, actors and actresses, sports players, movie stars, rock stars, musicians & pop artists, painters and sculptors, people with money and people with influence and positions of power; among all of these people who seem to us as successful and are known as those have “made it” in life, many of them are sad, depressed and disillusioned. The question is why?! What is “missing” why are they unhappy, what are they lacking and what can they and we do to be happy?  Within these pages I hope you will find some answers.

This small sefer is the Jewish companion to another book already in progress which is aimed at the general public and is written in a language, style and message appropriate for a more universal approach to Simcha and Joy for all peoples everywhere. Anyone interested in helping further this upcoming  book and the simcha project is urged to contact us for more information.

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